Title: – ‘Your introduction to the Unique Selling Proposition: How to differentiate your business from your competition in just 2 hours’
Duration: – 2 Hours
Introduction: – The right USP will quite literally attract attention to your business, set you apart from your competition, fill a perceived gap in the marketplace and motivate people to take action … and of course it will also answer the question “Why should I buy from you?”
In this seminar, you’ll discover dozens of secrets for differentiating your business using the same methods that have elevated companies like Dyson, EasyJet, Orange and Virgin from obscurity to market leadership — and sales of £ billions — in just a few short years!
Objectives: – This eye-opening seminar is guaranteed to provide you with answers to some of your most frustrating and perplexing business growth and marketing challenges, including:
- The biggest single factor that will determine your success in the marketplace
- Why your customers REALLY buy from you
- Why SHOULD customers buy your product or service?
- Six steps to creating your own USP
- The biggest reason why people won’t buy from you … and what you can do about it
- And much more…
Summary: – Remember, your prospects are being pummeled by all manner of other people trying to get their business. After a while they lose the ability to differentiate, and everything starts to blur together and sound the same. Your USP should set your product or service apart from your competitors at a glance. This seminar will clarify your understanding of your own business and enable you to go into the market with a renewed confidence in what you do for you customers.
Here’s what previous attendees have said about this seminar: –
‘I now know that telling your story goes a long way towards reinforcing your position in the market and seems to me to be priceless information. Very helpful seminar that makes you actually think about what you do and why are you different.’ — Paul Geach, IT
‘This certainly exceeded my expectations, and the importance of a value statement & USP have really been enforced’ — Rob Edwards, Ticketing Systems
‘I learned a great deal in a short amount of time; excellent presentation’ – Nick Johnson, Goldcrest Cleaning Limited
‘Lots of ideas, lots of energy’ – David Lancaster, Intrec