An in-depth exploration of how to craft a high impact unique selling proposition (USP) that resonates with your target audience. It provides tips on aligning your USP with your core strengths and customer needs to create an emotional connection. It also discusses how to integrate your USP into all of your branding and marketing to convey your brand promise.
Crafting a USP that Fuels Exponential Growth

Win more customers by asking the right questions

The most careless approach to building your business is to decide what your marketplace really wants or needs without first talking to them about it. You owe it both to them and to yourself, because what you think is important to your prospects and customers may in fact be totally unimportant. What you could ignore may actually be all-important.
The 3 New Pillars of Marketing

The three new pillars of marketing are some of the key components needed to build an effective online presence. You’ll learn how to benefit from today’s new technologies that in many cases have reduced the effectiveness of traditional marketing methods. In many cases your competition still don’t have the answers, or an effective online presence. If you “get” it and they don’t, it represents a massive opportunity for you […]
You, A Marketing Genius?

It’s surprising how many people in business throw money down the drain unnecessarily, when they don’t have to. It’s easy to eliminate all uncertainty and guesswork from your marketing before you make any significant marketing investment. Get this right and incorporate it into everything you do and you’ll often be seen as a marketing genius […]
Packaged Information Offers

Packaged Information Offers is an effective way to get an avalanche of prime prospects to raise their hands and identify themselves to you. It’s a very effective way to find the people who are already in the market right now for what you’re offering, so that you can focus on them until they buy. Get this right and you’ll gain an emphatic edge over most of your competition […]
Make It Easier to Say Yes Than No

The biggest reason why people don’t buy products or services from a supplier, even though they’d benefit from it and can afford it, is that they don’t want to make a mistake or look stupid. It’s therefore important to eliminate any possibility that anyone can make a mistake or look bad when they do business with you. It’s a simple concept but makes a massive difference to whether or not people will do business with you […]
Identify Your Unique Advantage

Identifying your unique advantage is a key component in outselling, outsmarting and outperforming your toughest competition. If you can’t explain in a compelling way why someone should buy from you, and most businesses can’t, your prospective customer will see your business as being just like your competitors business. And when they can’t differentiate between offerings they […]
Determine and Address Real Needs

The most careless approach you can take to growing a business is to decide FOR your customers what they want and need without talking to them about it … yet that’s exactly what most businesses do! Assumptions are dangerous because they’re nearly always WRONG. And that you don’t know can cause lost sales and missed opportunities that would hurt you to the core if you knew the details […]
Decision Speed, The Biggest Factor In Your Success

Your success is determined more by the time it takes your customers to decide on your product or service than by any other single factor. Therefore the most important way of increasing sales and dominating your market is to increase the speed with which decisions are made. While this is hardly ever written or spoken about, it is a critical factor in your business success […]