It’s surprising how many people in business throw money down the drain unnecessarily, when they don’t have to. It’s easy to eliminate all uncertainty and guesswork from your marketing before you make any significant marketing investment. Get this right and incorporate it into everything you do and you’ll often be seen as a marketing genius […]
You, A Marketing Genius?

Identify Your Unique Advantage

Identifying your unique advantage is a key component in outselling, outsmarting and outperforming your toughest competition. If you can’t explain in a compelling way why someone should buy from you, and most businesses can’t, your prospective customer will see your business as being just like your competitors business. And when they can’t differentiate between offerings they […]
How to Make More Profitable Sales

This article and video show you how you can make more profitable sales. It looks at your sales and marketing methods, processes and costs, the value of empowering your team and how when Ford did that they achieved 10X more profitable sales. It also considers the real cost of giving discounts what else you can do to make more profitable sales and how one company gained 900% more profitable sales by reducing the discounts it gave by 25%.
3 Ways To Set Profitable Prices

This article and video show you how you can set profitable prices. It looks at pricing from a customer perspective and also highlights the different pricing strategies you can use to make this, the fifth of six elements in the profit acceleration formula, work for you.
14 Ways To Increase Average Customer Spend

This article and video show you how you can easily increase your average customer spend including increasing your prices and upselling. It also highlights just how easily you can increase your average customer spend by 10-25% to make the third of six elements in the profit acceleration formula work for you.