It’s surprising how many people in business throw money down the drain unnecessarily, when they don’t have to. It’s easy to eliminate all uncertainty and guesswork from your marketing before you make any significant marketing investment. Get this right and incorporate it into everything you do and you’ll often be seen as a marketing genius […]
You, A Marketing Genius?

Packaged Information Offers

Packaged Information Offers is an effective way to get an avalanche of prime prospects to raise their hands and identify themselves to you. It’s a very effective way to find the people who are already in the market right now for what you’re offering, so that you can focus on them until they buy. Get this right and you’ll gain an emphatic edge over most of your competition […]
Million Dollar Copywriting Tips

These million dollar copywriting tips are so simple and easily applied, yet can dramatically improve your marketing and advertising effectiveness. Not one in a hundred people gets this right. But grasp these simple ideas and it can dramatically improve your marketing and advertising effectiveness. It can also give you a emphatic edge over most of your competition […]
Determine and Address Real Needs

The most careless approach you can take to growing a business is to decide FOR your customers what they want and need without talking to them about it … yet that’s exactly what most businesses do! Assumptions are dangerous because they’re nearly always WRONG. And that you don’t know can cause lost sales and missed opportunities that would hurt you to the core if you knew the details […]
Million dollar copywriting tips

In my seminars and workshops I’ve referred for years to a couple of “million dollar” copywriting tips which, at a stroke, can dramatically transform the effectiveness of everything you write. Both tips are incredibly simple and easy to apply, but less than one in a hundred written pieces even begins to get them right. My first tip is to write as you speak. Be you. Use everyday language. Give your writing a human voice … and let your passion shine through. My second copywriting tip—a golden rule for effective direct response copywriting—is such a simple concept, yet it will have a profound impact on how your written communications are received […]
Marketing your business in our age of mass empowerment

This is a large post, but also an important one if you haven’t fully embraced or adapted your marketing approach to today’s vastly changed business landscape. For 150 years mass marketing was about the ONLY economical way to get your message out there. But today we’re living in a new age of mass empowerment fuelled by commercial clutter, the rise of internet, sophisticated online search, social media, broadband, wi-fi and smartphones. It spells the end of mass marketing as we’ve known it for most businesses […]
The Influencing Skills of Barack Obama

The seven critical skills that make the US president so influential. Barack Obama is undoubtedly one of the greatest influencers of modern times. His accomplishment in going from a relative unknown to the most talked about person on the planet in less than 18 months provides a lot of valuable lessons to anyone marketing a product, service or person
Build a superior lead- or sales-generation machine

Nearly one billion people use Google to search for an untold range of topics. No other advertising medium draws such a vast crowd. This article explains the benefits of sing paid search, and the basics of setting up Google AdWords campaigns.
Get your share of 61 billion online searches a month

Since Google AdWords was launched in 2002 the face of advertising has been changed almost beyond recognition, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. Using AdWords it’s possible to achieve things today that could hardly be imagined just ten years ago. When Google was founded in 1997, the “big boys” in internet search like Yahoo, AltaVista