America’s No.1 sales authority Jeffrey Gitomer recently received an email from me. He says the email gave him no choice but to read on. His interest had to do with the subject line, the headline, the design of the content, and the copy. He liked the email so much that he wrote a widely syndicated article spelling out the 11 factors that compelled him to respond. He kindly allowed me to reproduce the article here, and he makes some great points as he analyses what made the email work […]
How to write emails that give you no choice but to read on

Do not use Twitter for business

Internet psychologist Graham Jones recently sent out a simple “tweet” saying he was off to give a presentation that would warn people not to use Twitter for business. Within moments the broadcaster and communications consultant James Lush had replied saying he’d be fascinated to know why on earth Graham would say such a thing. Later that day Graham rose to his feet and suggested the un-suggestible. People in the audience were perplexed because plenty of companies make money using Twitter. But therein lies the twist in this tale […]
7 steps to a killer social media plan

I believe that any business with a decent product or service can build a global social media presence, and monetize it, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. But you need to know what to do and how to do it. And most people in business really only have the vaguest notion of what is involved.
How to be credible when you connect on LinkedIn

Do you automatically accept every connection request you receive on LinkedIn? I hope not because the value of LinkedIn comes from the quality of the connections you establish, NOT from accepting every connection request that comes your way. In a world full of potential spammers, there are several things you should look for whenever someone tries to connect with you. It should start with a personalised connection request that gives a good reason for connecting […]
5 Ways to Get Results on LinkedIn

This is the third in a series of well received posts on how to grow your business using LinkedIn. It focuses on: setting up your personal profile; connecting with people you know; giving and getting recommendations; setting up your LikedIn company page; and joining selected LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn, just in case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last few years, is now by far the world’s largest professional network. It has rightly been said that if you’re in business and not on LinkedIn you may as well not exist. The fact that 499 of the Fortune 500 companies are represented by director-level employees and above just reinforces that point.
11 easy steps to a best-selling podcast on iTunes

Every day, your customers, prospects, and employees are inundated with information from e-mail, voicemails, spam and memos. So how do you get your important messages across to them in a way that doesn’t get lost in all of that noise? The answer is podcasts. Podcasts are the new way of distributing audio content. They are audio or video recordings that your prospects and customers can subscribe to, receive, download, listen to, or watch using a computer, iPod, M3 player, iPhone, iPad or smartphone […]
Is Relationship Selling Dead?

This excellent guest post by Jill Konrath, author of SNAP Selling and Selling to Big Companies, hits the nail on the head. She perfectly describes the challenges you face when trying to sell to businesses in today’s pressured world. And she kindly agreed to share the piece with you here. So is relationship selling dead? It sure
LinkedIn: 100 Million can’t be wrong!

If you’re in business there’s a good chance that you’re either a member of LinkedIn, or have at least been invited at some point to join. Lot’s of people join LinkedIn but really don’t really understand what it is for; how to use it; what it’s good for; what the benefits are; or how to leverage it. The aim of this post is to give you a simple understanding of what LinkedIn can do for you and get you up to speed quickly on the absolute basics to save you time when you use this powerful online networking tool […]