Unlock Your True Business Potential

Identify Your Unique Advantage

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Identifying your unique advantage is a key component in outselling, outsmarting and outperforming your toughest competition. If you can’t explain in a compelling way why someone should buy from you, and most businesses can’t, your prospective customer will see your business as being just like your competitors business. And when they can’t differentiate between offerings they […]

What Picasso can teach you about pricing

Picasso + Guitar painting

This post is about charging what you’re worth, with a great lesson on pricing from the Late Pablo Picasso. Too many products or services are seen as being very similar to others and as a consequience are treated as commodities. When that happens your prospects and customers will shop around and whoever charges the best price for that product or service tends to win the business. But if you can set your product or service apart from all the others out there, you can charge what your product or service is really worth […]