Whatever your business, you have a story to tell, and it’s the key component in fully and deeply educating your marketplace about what you do. It brings out the uniqueness of your business; dramatically increases the chances that prospects will do business with you; and gives you a decisive edge over most of your competition. It’s not THAT hard to do, yet less than one entrepreneurial business in every thousand ever gets it right […]
Tell Your Unique Story

Decision Speed, The Biggest Factor In Your Success

Your success is determined more by the time it takes your customers to decide on your product or service than by any other single factor. Therefore the most important way of increasing sales and dominating your market is to increase the speed with which decisions are made. While this is hardly ever written or spoken about, it is a critical factor in your business success […]
The forgotten cost of discounting

Discounting can kill your business. Few business leaders or entrepreneurs realise that the biggest cost in their business can be something that doesn’t even show up in their accounts. When you’re doing a lot less business than you should be doing, it’s all too easy to push the panic button and offer discounts just to get more people through the door. In most cases these discounts make no difference to the number of people who come through the door. But even if they do, these, or any other form of discounting, can turn into a serious and very expensive mistake […]
What’s your definition of marketing?

What’s your definition of marketing? To a lot of people marketing is marketing is about running an ad tomorrow so you can have sales the next day. If only it were that simple! On one level effective marketing is about seeing everything from your customers’ perspective. On a deeper level it impacts every area of your business from identifying and attracting customers to getting and keeping customers, the only sustaining force in any business. In fact every single role in your business falls within the deeper marketing definition. Marketing should therefore be at the epicentre of your business.
Create an avalanche of qualified leads

Identifying prime prospects for your product, service or expertise can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. But that’s an easy challenge to overcome when you employ “Packaged information offers” in an effective manner, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. Packaged information offers are one of my all-time favourite low-risk/high-return strategies for generating
The ingredients of a great story

You need to tell your unique story. So what are the key ingredients? Developing your “behind-the-scenes” story is one of the most powerful and valuable things you can do for your business or organisation, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. If you don’t have a compelling story to tell, one that explicitly sets out everything
You have a great story to tell … so tell it!

You have a story to tell in your business. And you need to tell it! If you really want people to buy into your product, service or expertise, it is incredibly important to fully and deeply educate your prospects and clients about what you do.
11 easy steps to a best-selling podcast on iTunes

Every day, your customers, prospects, and employees are inundated with information from e-mail, voicemails, spam and memos. So how do you get your important messages across to them in a way that doesn’t get lost in all of that noise? The answer is podcasts. Podcasts are the new way of distributing audio content. They are audio or video recordings that your prospects and customers can subscribe to, receive, download, listen to, or watch using a computer, iPod, M3 player, iPhone, iPad or smartphone […]
Programming brings many happy returns

A client who buys a hundred times is many times more valuable to you than someone who only ever buys from you once, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. As obvious as this should be, in most cases when someone carries out a business transaction for the first time the businesses concerned just wait passively