Internet psychologist Graham Jones recently sent out a simple “tweet” saying he was off to give a presentation that would warn people not to use Twitter for business. Within moments the broadcaster and communications consultant James Lush had replied saying he’d be fascinated to know why on earth Graham would say such a thing. Later that day Graham rose to his feet and suggested the un-suggestible. People in the audience were perplexed because plenty of companies make money using Twitter. But therein lies the twist in this tale […]
Do not use Twitter for business
by Robert Clay on

Why bookstores have coffee shops and what that means for your website
by Robert Clay on

Can you imagine trying to persuade Lady Gaga of anything? She is, after all, a clearly determined and opinionated individual. You would be facing up to a fairly formidable personality – you don’t get to be an international superstar by being quiet and open to persuasion. Maybe the reason that Lady Gaga is successful is she prefers tea to coffee. Lady Gaga is one of several […]