Your success is determined more by the time it takes your customers to decide on your product or service than by any other single factor. Therefore the most important way of increasing sales and dominating your market is to increase the speed with which decisions are made. While this is hardly ever written or spoken about, it is a critical factor in your business success […]
Decision Speed, The Biggest Factor In Your Success
by Robert Clay on
in Client Education, Decision Acceleration, Featured Articles, Higher Transaction Values, Lead Conversion, Marketing Foundations, Outperform Competition, Profitability, Video Blogs

Harness the Power of Compounding

This article and video tell a series of stories that illustrate how you can harness the miraculous power of compounding in your business, to multiply your results and build your business into an asset worth far more than could be achieved by the usual linear thinking. It also shows you how boosting six areas of your business by just 10% will give you 175% greater profits, and how a 25% boost in each area will increase your profits by 365%.