The most careless approach you can take to growing a business is to decide FOR your customers what they want and need without talking to them about it … yet that’s exactly what most businesses do! Assumptions are dangerous because they’re nearly always WRONG. And that you don’t know can cause lost sales and missed opportunities that would hurt you to the core if you knew the details […]
Determine and Address Real Needs
by Robert Clay on
in Customer Retention, Decision Acceleration, Featured Articles, Lead Conversion, Lead Generation, Marketing Foundations, Research, Video Blogs

7 steps to a killer social media plan
by Robert Clay on

I believe that any business with a decent product or service can build a global social media presence, and monetize it, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. But you need to know what to do and how to do it. And most people in business really only have the vaguest notion of what is involved.