Unusually for me, this post is not about marketing strategies. Instead I want to tell you about an amazing and inspiring person who has touched my life and left an indelible impression. Her name was Beryl Miller. She was someone we can all learn from. She was my PA in my first two businesses, and a short while ago, sadly, she lost an 18 month battle with cancer. Beryl was a remarkable person. Although she can’t be with us any more, I hope her example will inspire you […]
From temp to business owner … my tribute to an amazing lady
by Robert Clay on
in Other Topics

The Perplexing Nature of Generation Y
by Robert Clay on

If you’re in business you need to understand the nature of the people born between the early 1980’s and the mid 1990’s, who now make up approximately 20 per cent of the workforce and are vital to our economic future. This fascinating article on Generation Y was written by Dr Charles Woodruffe of business psychology consultancy Human Assets Ltd