It’s surprising how many people in business throw money down the drain unnecessarily, when they don’t have to. It’s easy to eliminate all uncertainty and guesswork from your marketing before you make any significant marketing investment. Get this right and incorporate it into everything you do and you’ll often be seen as a marketing genius […]
You, A Marketing Genius?

Why 8% of sales people get 80% of the sales

Isn’t it amazing how often you express interest in a product or service, but never hear from the person or company again? It happens all the time. Research shows, amazingly, that only 20% of sales leads are ever followed up … in other words 80% of potential opportunities are lost without trace simply due to lack of follow-up. Interestingly, only 2% of sales occur when two parties meet for the first time. And 80% of sales occur only after at least five continuous follow-ups. You therefore must follow-up at least five times.
What is effective selling?

People sometimes say “There’s a born salesman!” But have you ever read or heard in the news of someone who gave birth to a sales person, or for that matter a lawyer, a doctor, or a criminal? Birth is given to boys and girls; everything after that is down to choices that are made and skills that are learned. And sales skills are life skills. Many people would never view themselves as a sales person. Yet There isn’t a single area of your life where you cannot benefit from sales skills. Teachers use sales skills every day. Preachers use sales skills. Police officers use sales skills. Mother Teresa used sales skills. And sales people use sales skills […]
The Power of Persuasion

The ability to influence and persuade others is a critical skill if you’re in business. Some people seem to have an inborn ability to influence others. Those lucky few, who appear able to very skilfully and elegantly engage others are often unable to explain how they have come to possess such an important and essential business skill. But if we consider influence as a science, something else happens: something much more empowering and efficient.
Is Relationship Selling Dead?

This excellent guest post by Jill Konrath, author of SNAP Selling and Selling to Big Companies, hits the nail on the head. She perfectly describes the challenges you face when trying to sell to businesses in today’s pressured world. And she kindly agreed to share the piece with you here. So is relationship selling dead? It sure