Internet psychologist Graham Jones recently sent out a simple “tweet” saying he was off to give a presentation that would warn people not to use Twitter for business. Within moments the broadcaster and communications consultant James Lush had replied saying he’d be fascinated to know why on earth Graham would say such a thing. Later that day Graham rose to his feet and suggested the un-suggestible. People in the audience were perplexed because plenty of companies make money using Twitter. But therein lies the twist in this tale […]
Do not use Twitter for business

Marketing your business in our age of mass empowerment

This is a large post, but also an important one if you haven’t fully embraced or adapted your marketing approach to today’s vastly changed business landscape. For 150 years mass marketing was about the ONLY economical way to get your message out there. But today we’re living in a new age of mass empowerment fuelled by commercial clutter, the rise of internet, sophisticated online search, social media, broadband, wi-fi and smartphones. It spells the end of mass marketing as we’ve known it for most businesses […]
7 steps to a killer social media plan

I believe that any business with a decent product or service can build a global social media presence, and monetize it, writes Robert Clay of Marketing Wizdom. But you need to know what to do and how to do it. And most people in business really only have the vaguest notion of what is involved.
How I use Twitter

After many requests I’ve finally written this article on how I use Twitter. It covers such things using Twitter to add to my knowledge and learn from people; the tools I use constantly; the topics I tweet about; how I plan my content sharing; who I follow and why; how I follow; and how I deal with spammers. So here goes … I use Twitter as a news source, to add to my knowledge, to maintain cutting edge awareness in my areas of expertise and to discover, learn from and engage with people globally who share similar interests. I also use Twitter as a publishing tool to share knowledge and information I come across which I believe will be useful to any aspiring market leader, entrepreneur, or anyone involved in […]
Seth Godin’s Social Media Experiment

Viral growth in social media outpaces large numbers of faux followers said Seth Godin in one of his best ever blog posts today. The following piece was published by Jamie Turner, Editor-in-Chief of, and is reproduced here with his kind permission: Seth Godin wrote a terrific blog post today. He discussed the propensity for
How to combine personal and professional online without pissing people off

How do you combine personal and professional online without pissing people off? This guest post has been contributed by Monica O’Brien, author of the book Social Pollination: Escape the Hype of Social Media and Join the Companies Winning At It. Social Pollination provides a strategic blueprint that helps businesses leverage social media for crazy growth!
9 Ways People Respond to Your Online Content

The combination of blogs and social media have transformed publishing and communication beyond recognition in the past 2-3 years. This excellent post by Rajesh Setty, an entrepreneur, author and speaker based in Silicon Valley, was originally featured by Jamie Turner on his excellent blog It was republished there with Mr Setty’s permission. The post is called